Wednesday, October 16, 2019

From the teacher we learn one part...

This is nice subhashitam (wise saying) in samskritam which I like a lot.

The student learns one fourth from the teacher, and one fourth from own intelligence.
One fourth is learnt from one's friends and a fourth with the passage of time.

This tells us about how we learn. We learn from our teacher. But then we need to continue to think about what we have learnt. Our innate intelligence does some more work for us in this process. We also then need to discuss what we have learnt with our friends and classmates. They will usually say things differently and this gets us thinking and to understanding. Finally, we are able to understand things over time which we may not have at the time of learning. So there is no reason to be frustrated if we can't understand things right away. Also, even if we did think we understood something, we usually get a different perspective and maturity of understanding over time. We need to approach our learning with patience.

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